Cane Form
Cane Form- First Row:
1. Left coiling, Ward off to left, hit right.
2. Withdraw right foot, parry to left
3. Step up, block overhead
4. Step forward, strike from right side
5. Double forward step, "hang up left" and "split"
6. Turn body, coil cane around head, split
7. Cross step behind, hold, and chop
8. Reverse body into Horse Stance and "heavy split"
Cane Form- Second Row:
1. Turn body left, hit obliquely upward
2. Step forward, block overhead
3. Left hang up, hit from right side
4. Step forward, "hang up" and split
5. Raise right leg, turn body and block downwards
6. Horse stance, split to right
7. Coil to left, cross step, strike underhand to right
8. Horse stance, split to right
Cane Form- Third Row:
1. Spin left, coil cane round head, hit left
2. Spin right, coil round the head, hit right
3. Coil step, hit downward
4. Step forward, coil round the head and hit from right side
5. Withdraw right leg, strike rearward to knee
6. Step forward, split
7. Horse stance, stir up to left and split to right
8. Use shaking energy
Cane Form- Fourth Row:
1. Turn left, block or hit to corner.
2. Swing right, block or hit to right
3. Swing to left (180), block or hit to left
4. Turn right, block or hit to right
5. Turn left, strike downward to left, parry upward
6. Look right, strike downward to right, parry upward
7. Coil to left, cross step, strike underhand to right
8. Horse stance, split to right
9. Conclusion
10. Overhead strike forward and return cane to original position